Ethical Consumer

Learn how to shop ethical with Ethical Consumer

impact festival ethical consumer

Your sustainable living challenge today is:

Check out ethical - it's going to become a great friend for all your ethical purchases. They score tons of products according to various categories including environment, animal welfare and human rights. Make sure to pick a product and use the tool to customise which scoring categories are most important to you.

Also read one article on the site that's of interest to you to gain some knowledge on your impact as a consumer. It's much easier to stick to your ethical lifestyle goals if you have true reasons behind them to motivate you.

More background reading if you can be bothered…

About Ethical Consumer

In Ethical Consumer’s words, you can find “all the information and inspiration you need to revolutionise the way you spend, save and live.  At the heart of the ethical consumer movement, since 1989.  We are an independent, not-for-profit, multi-stakeholder co-operative with open membership, based in Manchester.  We provide all the tools and resources you need to make choices at the checkout simple, informed and effective.”

Ethical Consumer takes different companies, products and services and does thorough research into the products themselves, supply chain and company affiliations.  They look at the environmental and social records of each company and use four main categories to score their products - Environment, People, Animals and Politics.  They have a brilliant tool which enables you to select which of these categories are most important to you, so that you can see ethical shopping recommendations based on your personal values.

Ethical Consumer has both a free membership option and a paid membership option - both are good.  The free version will allow you limited access to their information on how to shop ethical, but it’s still super duper useful.  If you can, we recommend joining for the full Ethical Consumer membership as you can get more in depth with learning about companies to inform your decisions on how to shop ethical, and of course you will be supporting a fantastic organisation doing really important work for all of us on the path to sustainable living.  Ethical Consumer are one of our partners, but we Brownie promise that’s not the only reason for recommending them - they are our partner because we adore what they do, their guides on how to shop ethical and how their values on sustainable living totally align with ours.

Enjoy your first challenge day!

Have a fab time and remember that motivation is KEY to sustainable living - find the ways that work for you and don’t be hard on yourself. If you fancy joining a lovely supportive of network with the same aims for sustainable living and understandings that this stuff can be complex, hit up our talks at the pub or sign up to the newsletter to come see us at our next events!

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